Dornier Do24
This site was created to show the history of the Dornier Do24, a flying boat developed by Dornier for the Dutch Navy in 1934. The design was later also adopted by the Luftwaffe and proved to be one of the best flying boats ever build, serving upto 1970 with the Spanish SAR. The history shown here is by no means complete (though I try) and my sources can be wrong. If you found an error or if you can supply information not mentioned on these pages don't hesitate to inform me, I will be ever so gratefull. If you want to be notified of changes please email me
here. When you do please let me know what you think of the pages (don't hesitate to comment).

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This site went on-line on November 11th 1999.
Last update 8 January 2020.

© 1999-2025 Andre de Zwart

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