Fleet show near Soerabaja in the Dutch East Indies on September 6th 1938. The
picture is taken from a torpedoboat of the Admiral Class. From left to right a
minesweeper of the Van Amstel Class, Hr. Ms. De Ruyter, another minesweeper of
the Van Amstel Class, Hr. Ms. Java and a Minelayer of the Prins van Oranje Class.
Averhead are 15 planes. The top 6 are most likely Fokker T-IV's, the bottom 9
seem to be a mix between Dornier Wal's and Do-24K-1's.
There was however no information with the picture regarding the planes. They
might also, looking at the profiles, be Do-24K-1's
and that is just possible as at that date 10 Do-24K-1's
had been delivered to the MLD and one was either underway or had just arrived.
If that is the case than this is a unique picture, showing the most Do-24's
airborne in one picture.
© Uitgeverij T. Wever BV
Picture taken from De Koninklijke Marine
In De Tweede Wereldoorlog (deel 1).